Chiropractic Fantastic For Scoliosis

By Donny Allen

Scoliosis is a condition that involves an abnormal curvature of the back bone. The medical term for back bone is spine. The main part of the abnormal curvature goes side to side. When looking at the person from behind with scoliosis it may appear that the back bone or spine is shaped like an "S" or "C" instead of straight up and down.

Scoliosis most generally progresses through adolescent years and has an effect on females in this age group more than males. The situation may start as an undesirable posture but then progressively get worse through time. After someone reaches skeletal maturity, they're less likely to worsen. If scoliosis becomes severe, it can lead to diminished lung capacity and stress on other crucial organs such as the heart. The situation can cause severe physical limitations for the individual impacted.

The condition results from three major causes. One of these causes is congenital. This is why it is important to have other members of the family checked for the condition when another member has been diagnosed. A different cause is from poor postural habits after a period of time. The final trigger is idiopathic or of unknown origin. In any of these causes, early detection of the problem may be beneficial to stop its progression. Certain clues will help detect if an individual has scoliosis.

One way is to look if the person has a high shoulder or high hip on one side compared to the other. As a result, clothing may also fit poorly. Uneven wearing of the shoes is another clue. As the condition progressively gets worse, it is not uncommon to have accompanied back pain. The methods used to treat scoliosis can be very invasive. One of these is surgery which involves attaching steel rods to the spine at the top and bottom of the curvature. This is done to force the spine to straighten and prevent the curvature from progressing. Other methods involve an external brace worn by the individual. This is worn throughout the day to apply pressure on the spine.

Chiropractic is an effective method of treating scoliosis. Chiropractors are trained to detect scoliosis. They will do an evaluation to see if there is an abnormal curvature in the spine. They will examine posture which often entails looking for the high hip or shoulder. They also palpate the back bone to feel if there is an abnormal curvature. Range of motion is also checked to determine if there are any restrictions in the joints in the spine. X-rays are frequently taken in the area which deliver a clear picture of the curvature. The abnormal curvature can also be measured to identify the degree of severity.

A period of chiropractic adjustments has proven to be beneficial for treating men and women with scoliosis. Chiropractic therapies have even shown to lessen the curvature associated with scoliosis. As the structure of the spine is corrected, muscle tissues and ligaments are strengthened and posture improves. A lot of people suffering with scoliosis have sought chiropractic and have reported substantial improvement in their condition.

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By Donny Allen

Scoliosis is a condition that involves an abnormal curvature of the back bone. The medical term for back bone is spine. The main part of the abnormal curvature goes side to side. When looking at the person from behind with scoliosis it may appear that the back bone or spine is shaped like an "S" or "C" instead of straight up and down.

Scoliosis most generally progresses through adolescent years and has an effect on females in this age group more than males. The situation may start as an undesirable posture but then progressively get worse through time. After someone reaches skeletal maturity, they're less likely to worsen. If scoliosis becomes severe, it can lead to diminished lung capacity and stress on other crucial organs such as the heart. The situation can cause severe physical limitations for the individual impacted.

The condition results from three major causes. One of these causes is congenital. This is why it is important to have other members of the family checked for the condition when another member has been diagnosed. A different cause is from poor postural habits after a period of time. The final trigger is idiopathic or of unknown origin. In any of these causes, early detection of the problem may be beneficial to stop its progression. Certain clues will help detect if an individual has scoliosis.

One way is to look if the person has a high shoulder or high hip on one side compared to the other. As a result, clothing may also fit poorly. Uneven wearing of the shoes is another clue. As the condition progressively gets worse, it is not uncommon to have accompanied back pain. The methods used to treat scoliosis can be very invasive. One of these is surgery which involves attaching steel rods to the spine at the top and bottom of the curvature. This is done to force the spine to straighten and prevent the curvature from progressing. Other methods involve an external brace worn by the individual. This is worn throughout the day to apply pressure on the spine.

Chiropractic is an effective method of treating scoliosis. Chiropractors are trained to detect scoliosis. They will do an evaluation to see if there is an abnormal curvature in the spine. They will examine posture which often entails looking for the high hip or shoulder. They also palpate the back bone to feel if there is an abnormal curvature. Range of motion is also checked to determine if there are any restrictions in the joints in the spine. X-rays are frequently taken in the area which deliver a clear picture of the curvature. The abnormal curvature can also be measured to identify the degree of severity.

A period of chiropractic adjustments has proven to be beneficial for treating men and women with scoliosis. Chiropractic therapies have even shown to lessen the curvature associated with scoliosis. As the structure of the spine is corrected, muscle tissues and ligaments are strengthened and posture improves. A lot of people suffering with scoliosis have sought chiropractic and have reported substantial improvement in their condition.

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