An Overview Of What Takes Place In Munchausen Syndrome Cases

By Esther Salazar

Munchausen syndrome is a serious mental condition whereby the patients intentionally makes themselves sick or lies that they are suffering from a certain disease, ostensibly to attract attention and sympathy. Sadly, thus condition only works until it is diagnosed that apart from the mental condition, the victim does not have any other medical illness. In a majority of Munchausen syndrome cases, the sufferer visits several physicians searching for treatment for a nonexistent disease.

The condition has several variations, the other being Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, characterized by an adult hurting a closely related person just to attract sympathy. A typical example is a parent who abuses his or her child so that the family can receive money or attention from other people. This is considered a type of abuse, with the victims mainly being helpless individuals such as the mentally handicapped and children.

There is another condition found in modern times referred to as Munchausen by Internet, whereby a patient feigns disease or sickness via web forums. The sufferer may even go to the extent of creating web pages to testify their illness. Most of the times, the patient sets up a donation system for receiving money, ostensibly for making payments for treatments and medical bills. In the real sense, they are perfectly all right and only want to use the money on other things.

Hypochondria is a condition somewhat similar to the condition, but some differences occur when looking at patient behavior and the symptoms. A hypochondria victim totally believes that they are indeed sick. Ironically, the more they believe they have a certain disease, the more likely they will suffer from it.

On the other hand, while an individual suffering from the Syndrome will intentionally lie about their condition, they cannot easily control themselves while doing so. It is difficult for an outside to notice the difference between the two, with the only way to find out is if a physician positively confirms a disease.

Patients suffering from this condition pose a risk both to their well being and that of the individuals around them. It is quite a serious syndrome that may lead to sufferers starting to hurt themselves intentionally so as to further prove to others they are actually sick or ill. They may even go the extent of doing something crazy that can break their limbs or damage organs. Some cases have been reported of women intentionally getting themselves pregnant and later inducing a miscarriage just to attract sympathy.

To prevent such victims from harming themselves and those near them, seeking treatment for them is very significant. By getting help, the sufferers can avoid meting out damage to their bodies. Those around them should put effort in helping them improve their lives.

During the initial periods of Munchausen syndrome cases, the victim undergoes an examination by a physician in order to know their childhood history as well as their medical history. A majority of such patients are victims of child neglect or abuse. When they eventually become adults, they search for those likely to provide them with the attention they missed out.

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By Esther Salazar

Munchausen syndrome is a serious mental condition whereby the patients intentionally makes themselves sick or lies that they are suffering from a certain disease, ostensibly to attract attention and sympathy. Sadly, thus condition only works until it is diagnosed that apart from the mental condition, the victim does not have any other medical illness. In a majority of Munchausen syndrome cases, the sufferer visits several physicians searching for treatment for a nonexistent disease.

The condition has several variations, the other being Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, characterized by an adult hurting a closely related person just to attract sympathy. A typical example is a parent who abuses his or her child so that the family can receive money or attention from other people. This is considered a type of abuse, with the victims mainly being helpless individuals such as the mentally handicapped and children.

There is another condition found in modern times referred to as Munchausen by Internet, whereby a patient feigns disease or sickness via web forums. The sufferer may even go to the extent of creating web pages to testify their illness. Most of the times, the patient sets up a donation system for receiving money, ostensibly for making payments for treatments and medical bills. In the real sense, they are perfectly all right and only want to use the money on other things.

Hypochondria is a condition somewhat similar to the condition, but some differences occur when looking at patient behavior and the symptoms. A hypochondria victim totally believes that they are indeed sick. Ironically, the more they believe they have a certain disease, the more likely they will suffer from it.

On the other hand, while an individual suffering from the Syndrome will intentionally lie about their condition, they cannot easily control themselves while doing so. It is difficult for an outside to notice the difference between the two, with the only way to find out is if a physician positively confirms a disease.

Patients suffering from this condition pose a risk both to their well being and that of the individuals around them. It is quite a serious syndrome that may lead to sufferers starting to hurt themselves intentionally so as to further prove to others they are actually sick or ill. They may even go the extent of doing something crazy that can break their limbs or damage organs. Some cases have been reported of women intentionally getting themselves pregnant and later inducing a miscarriage just to attract sympathy.

To prevent such victims from harming themselves and those near them, seeking treatment for them is very significant. By getting help, the sufferers can avoid meting out damage to their bodies. Those around them should put effort in helping them improve their lives.

During the initial periods of Munchausen syndrome cases, the victim undergoes an examination by a physician in order to know their childhood history as well as their medical history. A majority of such patients are victims of child neglect or abuse. When they eventually become adults, they search for those likely to provide them with the attention they missed out.

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