Discover Exactly What Is Crohns Disease And How It Affects Sufferers

By Valerie Lesley

Gastroenterologist Burrill Bernard Crohn identified the condition he and two colleagues observed in patients with inflamed terminal ileum at the Mount Sinai Hospital, New York in 1932. There are still many individuals who do not know about the illness and still ask what is Crohns disease, also sometimes referred to as Crohn syndrome or regional enteritis. It is one kind of irritable (or inflammatory) bowel disease which can affect any section of the gastrointestinal tract from the anus to the mouth.

Symptoms of this disease vary from one sufferer to the other. Some may display unexplained weight loss, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. Where inflammation is severe, undigested food may be seen in diarrhoea. The eyes might experience a condition referred to as uveitis which is characterised by inflammation. The sufferer feels tired, develops skin rashes and losses concentration. Retarded growth will be reported in infected children. Such symptoms have made it difficult to distinguish the disease from others with similar effects.

Experts have recommended a number of tests before drawing a final conclusion. It is a real challenge in the medical field when it comes to diagnosis. One method has given commendable and dependable results. This is colonoscopy. Extreme cases, especially when the bowel becomes too small require capsule endoscopy since colonoscopy does not give the best results.

There is a reported increase in bowel movements where Crohns syndrome is severe. The sufferer will experience an average of twenty bowel movements. This comes from flatulence and bloating. The peri-anal region experiences discomfort, pain and itching. This is as a result of fistulisation, inflammation and abscesses. The sufferers will spot tags in this area. Difficulty in swallowing is reported and an upper abdomen that is very painful when the mouth and esophagus are affected. This is a complication that requires speedy attention. The sores that form around the mouth fail to heal.

People afflicted by Crohns are also more susceptible to many other ailments. One of the complaints that they are at a higher risk of contracting is gallstones, as a result of decreased bile acid resorption in the ileum leading to raised cholesterol/bile ratios. There is also a higher chance of developing blood clots in the form of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms. Crohns is also associated with a rheumatologic complaint called seronegative spondyloarthropathy characterized by inflamed joints (arthritis) or enthesitis (muscle insertions). This disease can cause the immune system to attack the red blood cells; a condition known as autoimmune hemolytic anemia.

Experts suggest that Crohns originates from the interaction of factors related to immunology, bacteria and the environment. People with such genetic variations as NOD2 and related proteins are at a higher risk. The gastrointestinal track of the victim is attacked by the immune system leading to a chronic inflammation. Those studying the disease suggest that it is more of an immune deficiency syndrome rather than an autoimmune disease. It is estimated that about half a million people in America are affected. It will first appear when the victim is a teen or in his or her twenties. It will later surface between fifties and sixties, though it can attack any gender at any age.

Fifteen percent of Crohns patients also report neurological complications. Common examples of these conditions include strokes, headaches, seizures, myopathy, depression and peripheral myopathy. Crohns is more widespread in industrialized countries indicating environmental components. Increased ingestion of dairy products and animal proteins is associated with Crohns. Hormonal contraception in 1960s America gave rise to massive increases in the incidences of the disease. Crohns is more common in northern countries, and in the northern regions of these same countries. The traditional presence of parasites in the body (particularly the gut) has been diminished by modern hygiene. This has deteriorated the immune system. There have been positive results seen in tests where patients were reintroduced to safe parasites.

Doctors are using antibiotics to control infections relating to Crohns. Additional medication options are corticosteroids and animosalicylate. Experts have concluded that the syndrome is a collection of several illnesses and involves several pathogens. They are yet to fully determine how the syndrome relates to individual pathogens. There are no drugs or surgical procedures that have succeeded in curing the disease. Operations are only used to correct partial or full blockage of intestines. This results in several complications and side effects.

Sufferers have resulted to small portions of food from time to time to deal with this condition. It is important to track the food that is not responding well. Doctors advise sufferers with this syndrome to shun food containing dairy byproducts and gluten. Some have resulted to alternative methods like nutritional supplements and herbs. Others have gone for therapy with acupuncture and homeopathy being favorites. Sufferers are able to enjoy normal and productive lives even with the disease. There is an increased risk of cancer due to inflammation. There have been attempts to cure the disease using bone marrow transplant. The rate of success is not satisfactory yet.

About thirty genes are linked to the spread Crohns syndrome. The possibility portion is one to two hundred cases. Families are at risk of continuing infection. Studies indicate that a child is thirty times more likely to develop this condition compared to a person whose family does not have a history. Studies are in progress to differentiate genetic complex and regional enteritis. This will give a clearer picture of how the genetic factor affects the immune system. Women have the same chances of developing the disease as men have. A sufferer will live long and bring up children or sustain their job even with this disease.

This form of irritable bowel disorder is sub-divided into three categories. Half of all cases are classified as ileocolic Crohns. Thirty percent of cases are defined as Crohns ileritis, and Crohns colitis accounts for the remaining twenty percent. The Vienna classification of Crohns categorizes the behavior of the development of the disease into stricturing, penetrating and inflammatory. Stricturing is the contraction of the bowel, possibly leading to bowel obstruction. The penetrating stages create fistulae (abnormal passageways) between the bowel and other bodily structures (for instance, the skin). Inflammation without the presence of fistulae or strictures defines the inflammatory stage of the illness. Knowing exactly what is Crohns disease and how to treat it, can help sufferers learn to live with the condition and achieve a relatively normal life style.

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siege auto
By Valerie Lesley

Gastroenterologist Burrill Bernard Crohn identified the condition he and two colleagues observed in patients with inflamed terminal ileum at the Mount Sinai Hospital, New York in 1932. There are still many individuals who do not know about the illness and still ask what is Crohns disease, also sometimes referred to as Crohn syndrome or regional enteritis. It is one kind of irritable (or inflammatory) bowel disease which can affect any section of the gastrointestinal tract from the anus to the mouth.

Symptoms of this disease vary from one sufferer to the other. Some may display unexplained weight loss, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. Where inflammation is severe, undigested food may be seen in diarrhoea. The eyes might experience a condition referred to as uveitis which is characterised by inflammation. The sufferer feels tired, develops skin rashes and losses concentration. Retarded growth will be reported in infected children. Such symptoms have made it difficult to distinguish the disease from others with similar effects.

Experts have recommended a number of tests before drawing a final conclusion. It is a real challenge in the medical field when it comes to diagnosis. One method has given commendable and dependable results. This is colonoscopy. Extreme cases, especially when the bowel becomes too small require capsule endoscopy since colonoscopy does not give the best results.

There is a reported increase in bowel movements where Crohns syndrome is severe. The sufferer will experience an average of twenty bowel movements. This comes from flatulence and bloating. The peri-anal region experiences discomfort, pain and itching. This is as a result of fistulisation, inflammation and abscesses. The sufferers will spot tags in this area. Difficulty in swallowing is reported and an upper abdomen that is very painful when the mouth and esophagus are affected. This is a complication that requires speedy attention. The sores that form around the mouth fail to heal.

People afflicted by Crohns are also more susceptible to many other ailments. One of the complaints that they are at a higher risk of contracting is gallstones, as a result of decreased bile acid resorption in the ileum leading to raised cholesterol/bile ratios. There is also a higher chance of developing blood clots in the form of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms. Crohns is also associated with a rheumatologic complaint called seronegative spondyloarthropathy characterized by inflamed joints (arthritis) or enthesitis (muscle insertions). This disease can cause the immune system to attack the red blood cells; a condition known as autoimmune hemolytic anemia.

Experts suggest that Crohns originates from the interaction of factors related to immunology, bacteria and the environment. People with such genetic variations as NOD2 and related proteins are at a higher risk. The gastrointestinal track of the victim is attacked by the immune system leading to a chronic inflammation. Those studying the disease suggest that it is more of an immune deficiency syndrome rather than an autoimmune disease. It is estimated that about half a million people in America are affected. It will first appear when the victim is a teen or in his or her twenties. It will later surface between fifties and sixties, though it can attack any gender at any age.

Fifteen percent of Crohns patients also report neurological complications. Common examples of these conditions include strokes, headaches, seizures, myopathy, depression and peripheral myopathy. Crohns is more widespread in industrialized countries indicating environmental components. Increased ingestion of dairy products and animal proteins is associated with Crohns. Hormonal contraception in 1960s America gave rise to massive increases in the incidences of the disease. Crohns is more common in northern countries, and in the northern regions of these same countries. The traditional presence of parasites in the body (particularly the gut) has been diminished by modern hygiene. This has deteriorated the immune system. There have been positive results seen in tests where patients were reintroduced to safe parasites.

Doctors are using antibiotics to control infections relating to Crohns. Additional medication options are corticosteroids and animosalicylate. Experts have concluded that the syndrome is a collection of several illnesses and involves several pathogens. They are yet to fully determine how the syndrome relates to individual pathogens. There are no drugs or surgical procedures that have succeeded in curing the disease. Operations are only used to correct partial or full blockage of intestines. This results in several complications and side effects.

Sufferers have resulted to small portions of food from time to time to deal with this condition. It is important to track the food that is not responding well. Doctors advise sufferers with this syndrome to shun food containing dairy byproducts and gluten. Some have resulted to alternative methods like nutritional supplements and herbs. Others have gone for therapy with acupuncture and homeopathy being favorites. Sufferers are able to enjoy normal and productive lives even with the disease. There is an increased risk of cancer due to inflammation. There have been attempts to cure the disease using bone marrow transplant. The rate of success is not satisfactory yet.

About thirty genes are linked to the spread Crohns syndrome. The possibility portion is one to two hundred cases. Families are at risk of continuing infection. Studies indicate that a child is thirty times more likely to develop this condition compared to a person whose family does not have a history. Studies are in progress to differentiate genetic complex and regional enteritis. This will give a clearer picture of how the genetic factor affects the immune system. Women have the same chances of developing the disease as men have. A sufferer will live long and bring up children or sustain their job even with this disease.

This form of irritable bowel disorder is sub-divided into three categories. Half of all cases are classified as ileocolic Crohns. Thirty percent of cases are defined as Crohns ileritis, and Crohns colitis accounts for the remaining twenty percent. The Vienna classification of Crohns categorizes the behavior of the development of the disease into stricturing, penetrating and inflammatory. Stricturing is the contraction of the bowel, possibly leading to bowel obstruction. The penetrating stages create fistulae (abnormal passageways) between the bowel and other bodily structures (for instance, the skin). Inflammation without the presence of fistulae or strictures defines the inflammatory stage of the illness. Knowing exactly what is Crohns disease and how to treat it, can help sufferers learn to live with the condition and achieve a relatively normal life style.

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